Thursday, 14 April 2011

Single Window Mode In GIMP

One of the basic problems GIMP has is lack of the single window mode and its so boring to see the multiple windows for each components of GIMP. Today, I'll list few of the ways to achieve single window mode in GIMP.

Method 1: Install the current development verion of GIMP i.e. 2.7 or higher and you'll have an option to run GIMP as single window mode. So you can install all the core dependencies (GEGL and BABL) and then install the GIMP2.7 from its source.

Method 2: Installing GIMPBox. GIMPBox is a python script that enables you to run gimp in the single window mode. To install it, type the following in the terminal.
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/gimpbox && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gimpbox

Now, you can run GIMP in single window mode by just typing gimpbox in run command(ALT+F2).

Method 3: The third method is discussed in the ubuntuforums HERE

I hope these were helpful. Thanks. :)