Monday, 8 November 2010

Accessing shared folders of host system from Backtrack4(virtual)

As the title of the post says, this post will help you to access the shared folders. The example is based on the Backtrack 4 installed as virtual OS with VirtualBox OSE under ubuntu 10.10 but there should not be problem in other systems too as long as the virtual OS is linux-based.

From the VirtualBox menu, Device->Shared Folders, you can add, edit and remove the shared folders that are shared by the host OS with the virtual OS.

Now onto the main problem, just enter the following command in order to successfully access the shared folders from within the BT4.

mount -t vboxsf /mnt

For example, if I share the folder $HOME/Desktop, I would do following in the BT4 konsole.

mount -t vboxsf Desktop /mnt

Note that if the windows system is the host OS, then I think you should include your shared folders as the Transient folder (anyone to make sure of this?) instead of the Machine Folders.
That's all. I hope this helps you.