Tuesday 22 May 2012

Setting Up Ncell Connect In Linux

Today I got a NCELL Connect device from my junior friend and did a quick PPP setup on linux. Later thought that this would be useful for other guys who use ubuntu(thats what I'm using) and other distros and hence am posting the steps on setting up Ncell connect in linux.

1. Install wvdial. Wvdial is a dialer that lets you to make a PPP connection in order to connect to the internet. Fire up the terminal and run the following command:

samar@Techgaun:~$ sudo apt-get install wvdial

Optionally you could also install gnome-ppp(sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp) for GUI but wvdial does all the job.

2. Edit the /etc/wvdial.conf, the configuration file for wvdial which requires appropriate setting for NCell connect and replace all the text with following data.

[Dialer Defaults]
Stupid Mode = 1
Modem Type = Analog Modem
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99#
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Username = web
Dial Command = ATDT
Password = web
Baud = 460800
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0

In the above process, you can run the wvdialconf command to see if your Huawei card is being detected. The Modem = line may require appropriate value.

3. While your device is plugged in, type the following command and note the line containing huawei.

samar@Techgaun:~$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 12d1:1446 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E1552 (HSPA modem)
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0408:03f1 Quanta Computer, Inc.
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 138a:0005 DigitalPersona, Inc
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 025: ID 04f3:0210 Elan Microelectronics Corp. AM-400 Hama Optical Mouse
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

We are concerned with the vendor and product id. In the above information, 12d1 is the vendor ID and 1446 is the product id. Now perform the following in the terminal:

samar@Techgaun:~$ sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1446

4. Now we must be all good. All we have to do is dial the connection. Type the following in the terminal:

samar@Techgaun:~$ sudo wvdial

If everything is fine, your connection will be successful showing the information such as IP address and primary and secondary DNS information. I hope this helps. Enjoy the NCELL connect in linux :)


Friday 11 May 2012

Download libSteamValidateUserIDTickets_i386.so For Counter Strike Servers

I was setting up a hlds non-steam server and I was getting an error regarding the absence of this file "libSteamValidateUserIDTickets_i386.so" and hence thought of uploading it so that others can download for their own server.

The error you will receive is something like below:

Error:Error:libSteamValidateUserIDTickets_i386.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Download libSteamValidateUserIDTicket.so


Sunday 6 May 2012

How To Fix An Unknown Error Occurred(0xE8008001) While Installing Apps From Itunes

While installing apps on the jailbroken ipod, I got this unknown error with error code 0xE8008001 and the apple's help was not of much use. This was driving me crazy since I could not install few apps from itunes to my jailbroken ipod. However with some googling, I found a fix for it.

All you have to do is install a Cydia app known as AppSync available from hackulo.us. You can either use Cydia from your device or Cyder from your PC.

You will have to add the new source: http://cydia.hackulo.us/ either in Cydia or Cyder and then you will find the AppSync in the list. Download and install it and then reboot the device once.

After installing AppSync, this error will not occur. So enjoy installing plethoras of apps in your jailbroken device.


Fixing Cyder 2 For Smooth Running

If you have started using Cyder v.2, some of you might find this tool throwing few errors about some DLLs. If so, go through this post to fix the problem and use the Cyder 2 smoothly. This also fixes "No iphone/ipod found" error in Cyder.

Error 1: The procedure entry point sqlite3_wal_checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLite3.dll

Fix: Copy SQLite3.dll file from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support to your cyder2 directory. Replace if prompted.

Error 2: Could not load iTunesMobileDevice.dll, check your iTunes installation.

Fix: Download iTunesMobileDevice.dll and copy it to the cyder2 directory.

Now close any instance of Cyder 2 and restart Cyder 2. The errors will go away and your device will be detected. Alternatively, some users may want to put the above DLL files in the system32 folder but delete the original sqlite3.dll file that came with Cyder 2. I hope this helps. :)


Cyder - Cydia For PC

If you have jailbroken your apple device, you are most likely to be using an app called Cydia maintained by Saurik. Cydia is a software application for iOS that enables a user to find and install software packages (including apps, interface customizations, and system extensions) on a jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. But what if you don't have wifi access to install apps using Cydia? Don't fear, there's an application for windows based PCs known as "Cyder".

Cyder is a windows application that allows you to install cydia apps from your PC. Just plugin your apple device and easily install any Cydia app from any Cydia source. Running cyder is very simple.

You can add the sources for Cydia apps and then select among the available packages. You can search through the huge database of apps easily with Cyder and then download them. Installing the apps to your device has been simplified by Cyder 2.

Download Cyder2-0.1-RC2.zip

Below is the result of scan of this application:

File Info

Report date: 2012-05-06 13:39:36 (GMT 1)
File name: cyder2-0-1-rc2-zip
File size: 815098 bytes
MD5 Hash: 2f26fbbae9dd7e12b957bf6ea12abce7
SHA1 Hash: 0c61e89f3cf24baae662eeef52106ad5ff7e2ab0
Detection rate: 0 on 14 (0%)
Status: CLEAN


Asquared -
Avast -
Avira -
BitDefender -
ClamAV -
Comodo -
DrWeb -
Fprot -
IkarusT3 -
Panda -
STOPZilla -
TrendMicro -
VBA32 -

Scan report generated by


Friday 4 May 2012

Decode The Dean Edwards Javascript Packer

Well today I had to unpack some javascript code from Dean Edwards packer and started to check how this tool works. I opened the official packer page and then thought of giving some inputs and analyzing outputs. But, wait!!! there's this "decode" button(in disabled state) and probably I can decode the stuff I was given.

I used the firebug and quickly removed one attribute each of the lower textarea and decode button. You'll have to remove the "readonly" attribute of the lower textarea and "disabled" attribute of the "docode" button. Now you can paste the packed code in the lower textarea and decode the packed code easily. Not the real reversing of the algorithm itself but works perfectly.

And you can beautify the unpacked script using some online beautifiers such as this.

I hope it helps some of you guys ;)


Sunday 29 April 2012

Answers To Introduction To Algorithms 1.2-2 and 1.2-3

Algorithm is a fun subject and we are starting from the very basics of algorithm. Here is my solution for selected questions from chapter 1 of Introduction To Algorithms by Cormen and others.

1.2-2) Suppose we are comparing implementations of insertion sort and merge sort on the same machine. For inputs of size n, insertion sort runs in 8n2 steps, while merge sort runs in 64nlg n steps. For which values of n does insertion sort beat merge sort?

Here, we need to determine the value of n such that 8n2 = 64nlgn

For the value n = 1, obviously the merge sort beats the insertion sort so we will start from 2 and find the higher limit up to which the insertion sort beats merge sort.

The above equation can be further reduced as n = 8lgn. We can now solve it to determine the value of n. A simple code in C that would do the job for us is as below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
 int i = 2;
 while (1)
  int merge = 8 * log2(i);
  if (i > merge)
   printf("Value of i: %d\n", i);
 return 0;

Answer: 2 <= n < 44. 1.2-3) What is the smallest value of n such that an algorithm whose running time is 100n2 runs faster than an algorithm whose running time is 2n on the same machine?

Here, we need to determine the smallest value of n such that 100n2 < 2n. The value of n evaluates to 15. The source code for above problem is as below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
 int i = 2;
 while (1)
  int x = 100 * pow(i, 2);
  int y = pow(2,i);
  if (x < y)
   printf("Value of i: %d\n", i);
 return 0;

I hope this helps some of the algo beginners out there trying to solve the questions from "Introduction To Algorithms". Btw, they are basic maths however :P


Torrentz Offers Advanced Search Features[In Case You Didn't Know]

Until recently, I didn't know that my favorite torrent meta-search engine, Torrentz.eu, offered few advanced search features that makes it easier to spot the file we are searching for. After all, who would ever check the help page to read about a torrent meta-search engine but I would consider myself a noob for not thinking that advanced search are implemented in today's torrent meta-search engines.

Anyway, directly taken from the help page, below are the examples that can be used for making better search in Torrentz while searching for the files.

Mozilla Firefox - search for Mozilla and Firefox anywhere in the title
"Mozilla Firefox" - search exactly for "Mozilla Firefox"
Mozilla | Linux - search for Mozilla or Linux
Mozilla Firefox -beta - search for Mozilla AND Firefox but NOT beta
^Mozilla - search for titles starting with Mozilla
movie* - match movie, movies or any other prefix - This is enabled by default on most queries
filename:Fedora iso - deep search inside torrent for file named Fedora iso
filename:Fedora size:3520802816 - deep search inside torrent for file named Fedora iso with size of 3520802816 bytes
Linux added: 7d - search for Linux added within the last 7 days - you can also use h for hours

I've been finding these advanced searches useful since I discovered them. I hope you will also find them useful. ;)