Saturday 23 April 2011

How To Steal Various Keylogger's Log

Keylogger is a device or program that captures activities from an input device. Malicious people can make use of keyloggers to capture personal information being input into a computer system. Many of these keyloggers have the feature of uploading the log to some pre-defined(set by hackers) FTP servers. We can exploit this feature of keyloggers with the help of our Big Daddy, Google to obtain the logs of these keyloggers.

There are numerous keyloggers out there in the market and they provide this useful feature of FTP uploading of logs. But, the google is so powerful that it also indexes these log files. We can use the texts that are generally used by keyloggers to write in the text file. For example, following is the format of how iStealer, one of the widely used stealer, records the log through FTP.

Program: Firefox
Login: xxxxx
Password: xxxxx
Computer: samar-pc
Date: 2011-04-23 01:33:03
Ip: 116.90.*.*

So, we can use the terms such as Program, Url/Host, Login, etc. as the search keywords. The following search phrase would then reveal the iStealer's log.

Program: Url/Host: Login: Password: Computer: Date: Ip:

You can creatively specify the particular hosts or programs of which you want the login information. Moreover, you might also want to use the Date feature of advanced google search to find the latest results as they will have more likelyhood to work.

Another log format of some other keylogger is something like below so you can figure out the possible dork for this format.

APPLICATION : Firefox 4.0
USERNAME : samar
PASSWORD : 144334@&%

You can actually experiment on your own to create new useful dorks. Many times, you will find good stuffs using these dorks. Just be creative with what you look for. I hope this guides you a little. :)


Thursday 21 April 2011

Practise, Learn and Master Web Application Hacking With DVWA

DVWA, which stands for Damn Vulnerable Web Application, is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class room environment.

The DVWA v. 1.07 can be downloaded from HERE.

You will need to install Apache+PHP+MySQL environment(use LAMPP or XAMPP packages) to run and test this web application. This will definitely help you learn to spot web vulnerabilities of the varied levels. I hope this was useful. :)


Tuesday 19 April 2011

Enable Network Play Without Lag/Freezes In Counter Strike [How To]

Recently I had posted about how to have counter strike 1.6 run under linux but today when I was just testing to see how well the network play works, I found that the game freezes after connecting to the CT server. I searched on google and found a perfect solution for it.

I've tested this on the installation of Counter Strike : Condition Zero but should also work in Counter Strike 1.6.

The motd.txt file in the cstrike and czero can not be rendered properly by WINE so the game freezes. To solve this problem, we remove the motd.txt file and then, we create a new read only file with the name motd_temp.html which should be empty and there should be no problem rendering this new file as its just an empty file.

If there already exists the motd_temp.html in those directories, be sure to delete them and create a new empty file. To change the permission to read only, you can use the chmod command as below:

chmod +r-wx motd_temp.html

Now, you can play the counter strike in lan or with any server without any lag or freezes. Happy gaming. :)


Sunday 17 April 2011

How To Steal Stored Passwords From Firefox

Many of us use the Firefox's built-in password manager to remember and store the password of the sites we login to frequently. While this can be very useful feature, it can be exploited by anyone with physical(or any other form of access to the filesystem) access to know the saved passwords of the user. In this post, I will discuss how you can view and save the stored passwords of your friends for future reference.

When we select "Remember Me" option to store passwords, the passwords are stored in two files.
2. signons.sqlite

These two files are in the profile directory of the mozilla firefox application data for the respective user. Profile folders are placed in a common location by default but are named randomly for additional security (e.g., "xxxxxxxx.default" is the profile folder name for the "default" profile, where xxxxxxxx represents a random strung of characters). This directory is available at different places according to the distribution.

Under windows: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles folder will list the profiles and you can open any of the profiles from there.

Under linux: ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default folder is the profile folder. So you can navigate to ~/.mozilla/firefox/ to view the profiles.

Under MAC: ~/Library/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/ or ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/ are the folders containing the profile directories.

You can follow any of the following two methods to view the stored passwords:

Method 1: In the target computer, go to Edit->Preferences->Security and click on Saved Passwords and then click on Show Passwords to view the login details of the victim in linux. In windows, you will have to go to Tools->Options->Security.

Method 2: The first method would be applicable only for viewing the login details in victim PC. Whenever you want to save these details for further reference, you will have to copy the previously mentioned two files and save to your USB drive(or maybe in mailbox). Now, all you have to do is copy these two files to the profile directory of your PC and then go to the menus mentioned in method #1.

I hope this was useful. Thanks. :)


Saturday 16 April 2011

gufw - A Graphical User Interface To Manage UFW Firewall

Gufw is an easy to use Ubuntu / Linux firewall, powered by ufw.

Gufw is an easy, intuitive, way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual ports port(s), and many others! Gufw is powered by ufw , runs on Ubuntu, and anywhere else Python, GTK, and Ufw are available. Iptables is already a very powerful tool by itself, but it's syntax can get awkward at times and hard to figure out, so Ubuntu developers decided to make ufw ("The reason ufw was developed is that we wanted to create a server-level firewalling utility that was a little bit more for `human beings`"), which was to be simpler. Now, on the graphical side of things, Firestarer already existed. But why not make an even easier to use GUI for desktop `human beings`, powered by ufw? This is where Gufw comes in.

To install Gufw in ubuntu, type the following in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install gufw

You can run Gufw in GNOME menu: /System/Administration/Firewall configuration. To know more about gufw and ufw, you can check the manpage with man gufw and man ufw.


Counter Strike 1.6 Under Ubuntu Using WINE [How To]

WINE is a very useful software that helps you run windows applications in linux, BSD and MAC OS. If you have just switched to ubuntu and can't find any interesting games like counterstrike for linux then you don't have to worry. The WINE will help you play the games like counter-strike under your ubuntu linux.

First of all, install WINE and in this tutorial, I assume that you've installed the WINE. Now, change the permission of your counter-strike 1.6 executable's permission by issuing the command chmod +x Counter-Strike1.6.exe

After finishing the installation, the shortcut icons will be created in your desktop and you might need to edit the shortcut for fully working counter strike installation. Otherwise, the game will just freeze in a window. To edit the shortcut, open the Counter-Strike 1.6.desktop file with gedit and replace all the contents with the content below:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Counter-Strike 1.6
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/samar/.wine" wine hl.exe -game C:\\\\Program\\ Files\\\\Counter-Strike\\ 1.6\\\\cstrike.exe -gl -gldrv Default -w 800 -h 600
Path=/home/samar/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Counter-Strike 1.6

Also, be sure to edit this file according to your home folder. You'll have to replace samar with your home folder name in the above content.

Now, you are ready to go. The game will play well without any noticiable errors. Have fun. :)


100s of Ebooks For Download [Link]

I was just google searching when I found this site with 100s of ebooks under different categories and I thought to share the link over here.


Copy the above link and paste in your address bar. This link consists of 100s of ebooks for direct download under following different categories:

Algorithms & Data Structure/
Artificial Intelligence/
Computer Architecture/
Computer Forensics/
Computer Graphics/
Graphic @ Dezing/
Hacker & Cracker/
Image Processing/
Mathematics @ Physics/
NetWork @ Wireless/
Operating System/
Programming language/
Simulation & Modeling/
Software @ Megazne/
Software Engineering & OOP/

I hope this is useful. Thanks. :)


How to find MAC address of PC/device In Your Network

The MAC address of other PCs in LAN can be quite useful for some network protection bypassing such as internet access, etc. Today, I will show you how you can find the MAC address of any PC in your network.

Method 1: This method works in both windows and Linux. So open your terminal(in linux) or command prompt(in windows) and type:

ping <hostname>

Here, in place of <hostname>, type either computer's name or IP address whose MAC address you want to know.

Now, type the following command:

arp -a <hostname>

This will give you the arp entry cache of the specified hostname and this information also includes the MAC address of the PC. Sample output would be something like below:

techgaun.local ( at 90:fb:a6:27:b7:6a [ether] on eth1

You can clearly spot the MAC address in the above output.

Method 2: This method is pretty useful and I do frequently use this tool to gather NetBIOS information of PCs in network. The tool I use is nbtscan and nbtscan is a program for scanning IP networks for NetBIOS name information. It sends NetBIOS status query to each address in supplied range and lists received information in human readable form. For each responded host it lists IP address, NetBIOS computer name, logged-in user name and MAC address (such as Ethernet).

The tool is available for download for windows and different distros of Linux from HERE.

Also, you can install it under ubuntu by issuing following command from terminal.

sudo apt-get install nbtscan

Now, the usage of this tool is pretty straightforward.

nbtscan <hostname>

This will give the NetBIOS information of the requested hostname. But, this isn't the only thing. We can also mass-scan the network by giving the IP range.


This scans all the devices within the range - and displays the NetBIOS information of the computers in network.

I hope this helps some of you. Thanks :)