Saturday, 11 December 2010

Wi-fEye - Automated Network penetration testing tool

Wi-fEye is designed to help with network penetration testing, Wi-fEye will allow you to perform a number of powerful attacks Automatically, all you have to do is to lunch Wi-fEye, choose which attack to perform, select your target and let Wi-fEye do the magic !!.

Wi-fEye is divided to four main menus:
1. Cracking menu: This menu will allow you to:

* Enable monitor mode
* View avalale Wireless Networks
* Launch Airodump-ng on a specific AP
* WEP cracking: this will allow you to perform the following attacks automatically:

o Interactive packet replay.
o Fake Authentication Attack.
o Korek Chopchop Attack.
o Fragmentation Attack.
o Hirte Attack (cfrag attack).
o Wesside-ng.
* WPA Cracking: This contains the following attacks:
o Wordlist Attack
o Rouge AP Attack.

2. Mapping: this menu will allow you to do the following:

* Scan the network and view the connected hosts.
* Use Nmap Automatically.

3. MITM: this menu will allow you to do the following Automatically:

* Enable IP forwarding.
* ARP Spoof.
* Launch ettercap (Text mode).
* Sniff SSL/HTTPS traffic.
* Sniff URLs and send them to browser.
* Sniff messengers from instant messengers.
* Sniff images.
* DNS Spoof.
* HTTP Session Hijacking (using Hamster).

4. Others: this menu will allow you to o the following automatically:

* Change MAC Address.
* Hijack software updates (using Evilgrade).

Download Wi-fEye tool
Documentation for Wi-fEye tool


Friday, 10 December 2010

Rename file extension of multiple files at once

Sometimes, you might need to rename the file extension of multiple files and this can be simply accomplished from command line without the use of any tools.

In the command prompt, move to the proper directory containing the files whose extension is to be renamed. Then type as following in the command prompt.
ren *.jpg *.exe

The above command will rename all the jpg files in that folder to exe. Similar command rename exists in the linux to achieve the same effect. Hope this comes to be handy for you.


Fix Alt+PrintScreen Shortcut for Current Window Screenshot not working

Today, I was trying to get the screenshot of the current window and found that the Alt+PrintScreen was not working. The solution for this problem is as below:

To solve this problem, you need to do as following:

$ sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

Just add the following line in this file.

kernel.sysrq = 0

This should solve the problem. Hope this helps. :)


RIPS - PHP Static Source Code Analyzer

RIPS is a static source code analyser for vulnerabilities in PHP webapplications. It was released during the Month of PHP Security (

In this submission a tool named RIPS is introduced which automates the process of identifying potential security flaws in PHP source code by using static source code analysis. RIPS is open source and freely available at The result of the analysis can easily be reviewed by the penetration tester in its context without reviewing the whole source code again. Given the limitations of static source code analysis, a vulnerability needs to be confirmed by the code reviewer.


Cracking password protected ZIP archives with fcrackzip under linux

If you are looking for password protected zip archive cracker for linux, fcrackzip is the tool that can be used for the purpose.

fcrackzip is a fast password cracker partly written in assembler. It is able to crack password protected zip files with brute force or dictionary based attacks, optionally testing with unzip its results. It can also crack cpmask'ed images.

To install it, type the following in terminal

$ sudo apt-get install fcrackzip


Saturday, 4 December 2010

Antivirus Softwares for Linux

The myth of Linux being insecure is not true but it is said so due to the fact that it is not that widely used and not much used in the enterprises and homes but still they are not full proof so some antivirus protection for you Linux system might be obtained with any of the following softwares.

1) ClamAV: Clam AntiVirus is an open source (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for UNIX, designed especially for e-mail scanning on mail gateways. It provides a number of utilities including a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line scanner and advanced tool for automatic database updates. The core of the package is an anti-virus engine available in a form of shared library.
ClamAV Home

2) Bitdefender AV Scanner: BitDefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices is a versatile on-demand scanner for Linux and FreeBSD systems. The stand-alone scanner protects both UNIX-based and Windows-based disk partitions by scanning for viruses and spyware. Easy to use graphical user interface complements a powerful command line interface that fully supports operating system’s scripting tools.
Bitdefender AV Scanner for Unices

3) AVG: Basic antivirus protection for Linux/FreeBSD available to download for free. Free virus protection for your PC. For private and non-commercial use only.

4) avast! Linux Home Edition: avast! Linux Home Edition represents an antivirus solution for the increasingly popular Linux platform. The Home Edition is offered free of charge but only for home, non-commercial use.
Avast! Linux Home Edition

5) F-Prot AV: F-PROT Antivirus for Linux was especially developed to effectively eradicate viruses threatening workstations running Linux. It provides full protection against macro viruses and other forms of malicious software - including Trojans.
F-Prot AV

Any other additions, feel free to comment here.


Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Online typing speed test

I remembered this site which I used to try in my old days when computers were new to me. The speed testing feature from this site seems to be reliable and today I was just seeing how fast my fingers go in this freezing cold weather.

67 words

Lol I lost my speed due to freezing cold weather out here in Nepal :P


Probably the best free security list in the world

Just found this webpage when I was browsing; this page enlists many security tools under different categories which might be useful for you. So I just thought to share the page here.

Probably the best free security list in the world page

the list consists of the security tools under following categories:

* Realtime protection
* Scanners
* Tools for virus removal
* Online-scanners
* Firewalls
* System hardening-HIPS
* System hardening
* Sandboxing/virtualization
* Vulnerability scanning and updates
* Browser security
* IP-blocking/hardening
* What's new
* Privacy
* System monitoring
* Network traffic monitoring
* System cleaning
* Data rescue
* Encrypting
* Backup
* System rescue
* Miscellaneous
* Tests and malware analysis tools
* Vista/Windows 7 specific security
* Prisoners on remand
* Doing time in jail