Showing posts with label microsoft word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label microsoft word. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Center the text horizontally and vertically on a page in Microsoft Word

Microsoft word is the most widely used word processing software and of course, is an easy tool to use for writing properly formatted documents. Many times, you need to center the text horizontally and vertically in a page and this process is very simple in Microsoft Word.

There are two steps involved in this centering and as you might have guessed, they are horizontal centering and then vertical centering to have the final effect. Select the text you want to center and then follow the following steps:

Horizontal centering of the text
On the Home tab, click Center which is in Paragraph group.

Vertical centering of the text
On the Page Layout tab, click on the Page Setup dialog launcher at the bottom-right of Page Setup group.

Now select the Layout tab from the dialog box. Select Center from the Vertical Alignment dropdown and then select Selected Text from the Apply To dropdown. Then click Ok.

This should center your text both horizontally and vertically in the page. I hope this helps you. :)